Matemáticas Matemática Geometría álgebra #combinación #combinatoria #matemáticas Bernoulli Brahmagupta Bretschneider CDF Cotes Cálculo Densidad de probabilidad Distribución Distribución normal Estadística Estadísticas Funciones de Newton-Cotes Función percentil más ...Gauss Integración numérica Integral Integral definida Lagrange Método de Gauss Método de Simpson Método del rectángulo Método trapezoidal Métodos de Simpson Newton Newton-Cotes PDF Percentil Promedio Varianza algoritmo de búsqueda de la raíz algoritmo de búsqueda de raíz altura análisis análisis de regresión análisis numérico aproximación arreglo barrido base bingo combinación combinatoria cono cono truncado cordón cuadratura cuadrilátero desarrollo diagonal distribución binomial distribución de Gauss distribución uniforme división de prueba ensayos ensayos de Bernoulli evaluación eventos expresión factor factorial factorización fracciones función función de distribución fórmula de Brahmagupta fórmula de Bretschneider inclinación lotería multiplicación multiplicador método de bisección método de división del intervalo en dos métodos numéricos número entero número primo números aleatorios patrón permutación plano probabilidad radio raíz rectángulo rectángulo irregular regresión regresión cuadrática regresión cúbica regresión de potencia regresión exponencial regresión lineal regresión logarítmica secuencia semiperímetro sistema de ecuaciones lineales teoría de la probabilidad tronco variable ángulo área menos

Resultados de la búsqueda

Bisection method
The bisection method in mathematics is a root-finding method that repeatedly bisects an interval and then selects a subinterval in which a root must lie for further processing. The method is also called the interval halving method.
Trial Division Integer Factorization Calculator
This online calculator performs integer factorization using the trial division method to determine the prime factors of a given number
Combinations generator
This combinations calculator generates all possible combinations of m elements from the set of n elements.
Factor Pairs Generator
This calculator generates all pairs of factors for given integer.
Cone development
Calculator of right circular cone / truncated right circular cone development
The difficulty of calculating school math examples
This calculator gives an estimate of the difficulty of calculating math examples. It can be used for comparative estimation of the difficulty math problems.
Gamma function
Calculation of the Gamma function using Lanczos approximation
Evaluating expressions
This online calculator substitutes a specific value for each variable, and performs the operations, evaluating the given expression.
Normal distribution
Plots the CDF and PDF graphs for normal distribution with given mean and variance.
Student t-distribution
Calculates cumulative distribution function value and probability density function value for Student t-distribution. Quantile calculator evaluates Student quantiles for given probability and specified number of degrees of freedom.
Probability of given number success events in several Bernoulli trials
Gives the probability of k success outcomes in n Bernoulli trials with given success event probability.
Numerical integration
To calculate definite integral by the rectangle method, trapezoid method, Simpson method or other Newton-Cotes quadrature methods.
Level of liquid in the cylindrical tank, AKA Quarter-Tank Problem
This online calculator finds the height above the bottom of a horizontal cylinder (such as a cylindrical gas tank) to which the it must be filled for it to be full at specified percentage (for example, one quarter full amounts)
Normally distributed random numbers generator
This online calculator uses the Box–Muller transform to generate a sequence of normally distributed random numbers from a source of uniformly distributed random numbers.
Random Number Sequence Generator
The calculator generates an ordered sequence of numbers from a given range. For example, the order in which the numbers are drawn in a lotto - numbers from 1 to 90 will be listed in random order, or a lottery like 5 out of 36.
Area of a quadrilateral
This article lists several calculators to compute the area of a quadrilateral
Function approximation with regression analysis
This online calculator uses several regression models for approximation of an unknown function given by a set of data points.
Cramer's Rule Linear Equations Solver
This online calculator takes a system of linear equations and applies Cramer's rule to solve it, showing all intermediate steps in the process.
The General Solution of a System of Linear Equations using Gaussian elimination
This online calculator solves a system of linear algebraic equations using the Gaussian elimination method. It produces the result whether you have a unique solution, an infinite number of solutions, or no solution. It also outputs the result in floating point and fraction format.
Lottery Number Generator
This calculator generates a specified number of random integers within a given range.
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