Resultados de la búsqueda
Nombre |
Urn probability simulator This calculator simulates the urn (or box with colored balls) often used for probability problems, and can calculate probabilities of different events. |
Z-score / Standard score This online calculator computes the standard score of a raw score from the given mean of the population and the standard deviation of the population. |
P-value This online calculator calculates p-value for one sided and two sided tests given the z-score |
Z-score from P-value This online calculator calculates z score from p value |
Estimated Mean of a Population This online calculator allows you to estimate mean of a population using given sample |
Two sample t-Test The calculator to perform t-Test for the Significance of the Difference between the Means of Two Independent Samples |
Mann-Whitney test This online calculator performs the Mann–Whitney U test (also called the Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon (MWW), Wilcoxon rank-sum test, or Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test). |
Paired Sample t-Test This online calculator performs t-Test for the Significance of the Difference between the Means of Two Correlated Samples |
Centered Moving Average This online calculator calculates centered moving average, which is used instead of moving average then number of periods is even |
Lagged Scatterplot Calculator Visualize the Correlation in Time Series Data with Our Lagged Scatterplot Calculator |
Time Series Autocorrelation function (ACF) This online calculator computes autocorrelation function for given time series and plots correlogram |
Time Series Decomposition This online calculator decomposes time series by extracting seasonality and trend from data |
Text fitness This online calculator computes text "fitness". That is, how similar the given text to other texts written in English language. |
Number to Probability This online calculator takes a list of events along with number of times the particular event occurred and calculates the probability (and log probability) of each event by dividing event count to the total number of events. |
Text fitness (version 2) This online calculator calculates measure known as fitness score, of how given text is similar to a typical English text. It uses frequencies of unigrams, bigrams and trigrams to calculate fitness score. The reference frequencies are calculated from Leipzig Corpora Collection and can be downloaded from The less value you get, the better. |
Text fitness (version 3) This online calculator calculates measure known as fitness score, of how given text is similar to a typical English text. It uses logarithms of probabilities with normalization to calculate fitness score. The reference frequencies are calculated from Leipzig Corpora Collection and can be downloaded from The less value you get, the better. |
Covariance calculator This online calculator computes covariance between two discrete random variables. It also shows the expected value (mean) of each random variable. You can find the formula used for the calculation of covariance below the calculator. |
Events timeline This online calculator analyzes and summarizes sequence of events on a timeline. It calculates days passed between events, as well as statistical data, e.g. a mean time between events, a variance and a deviation |
Seasonal Indices for Quarterly Data This online calculator calculates seasonal indices based on quarterly data using the method of simple averages |