Resultados de la búsqueda
Nombre |
Sunrise and sunset calculator Sunrise/Sunset calculation for given latitude and longitude or for given city. Source: Almanac for Computers, 1990 published by Nautical Almanac Office United States Naval ObservatoryWashington, DC 20392 |
City Timezone Converter This calculator allows you to quickly and easily find out the current time in any city in the world and the time difference between two cities. |
World Time Converter The calculator displays the current time on your PC, as well as the corresponding UTC time based on the time zone on your PC. Additionally, the user can choose any city and the calculator will display the current time in that city. |
Travel Duration This online calculator computes travel duration given departure time and city and arrival time and city using time zones information |
Time difference The calculator gives a time difference in hours or minutes between two selected time zones for the current date and time. |
Daylight saving time The calculator determines the nearest DST transition dates for a given date. It also displays the time transition history for a given time zone. |