Resultados de la búsqueda
Nombre |
Wind Chill Index This online calculator computes Wind Chill Index using Wind Chill Formula from Environment Canada |
Apparent temperature This online calculator computes the apparent temperature, taking into consideration wind speed and relative air humidity. It uses the Australian Bureau of Meteorology formula |
Saturation vapor pressure This online calculator computes saturation vapor pressure for a given temperature and atmospheric (barometric) pressure |
Relative humidity to absolute humidity and vice versa calculators The first calculator converts relative humidity to absolute humidity for a given temperature and barometric pressure. The second calculator does the opposite - converts absolute humidity to relative humidity for a given temperature and barometric pressure. Some theory and formulas can be found below the calculator. |
Humidification Load Calculator - Find the Perfect Humidifier This online calculator calculates the humidification requirements for your space by determining the volume of air to be humidified and the amount of water to be added per hour, helping you choose the right humidifier. |
Humindex This calculator calculates Humindex, index used by Canadian meteorologists to describe how hot the weather feels to the average person, by combining the effect of heat and humidity. |
Heat Index Calculator This calculator calculates the heat index or apparent temperature. |