Resultados de la búsqueda
Nombre |
Sunrise and sunset calculator Sunrise/Sunset calculation for given latitude and longitude or for given city. Source: Almanac for Computers, 1990 published by Nautical Almanac Office United States Naval ObservatoryWashington, DC 20392 |
Azimuth and solar elevation angle Calculation of azimuth and solar elevation angle by given the coordinates and time of observation. It's possible to input coordinates manually or by selecting from the directory of cities. |
Shadow length Gives a vertical object shadow length for given coordinates and time. Also calculates shadow growth during whole day. |
Sun position at a given date. Azimuth and elevation table. Calculation of azimuth and elevation of the sun above the horizon for a given position and time. Table with one hour increments. |
Indian calendars The calculators for Hindu date conversions |
Declination and maximum altitude of the Sun above the horizon on a given date This online calculator calculates the declination of the Sun on a given date and the maximum altitude above the horizon on that day for a given latitude |
Declination and maximum altitude of the Sun above the horizon on a given date This online calculator calculates the declination of the Sun on a given date and the maximum altitude above the horizon on that day for a given latitude |