Resultados de la búsqueda
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Russian Length Unit Converter The calculators presented in this article are capable of converting units of length between the old Russian system of measurement and the metric system. |
Exotic length units Converter from exotic length units to meters |
Plane angles measurement systems |
Shoe size comparison This calculator converts european shoe size to its english and US counterparts. |
Pounds to kilograms conversion and vice versa This online calculator can be used for conversion of kilograms to pounds, ounces and grains as they are used in USA or UK. |
Energy Unit Converter: Joules, Kilowatt-Hours, Kilogram-Force per Meter, Horsepower per Hour, Kilocalories This is an energy units converter calculator that can convert between joules, kilowatt-hours, kilogram force per meter, horsepower per hour, and kilocalories. |
Roman and Decimal Number Converter This calculator can convert numbers ranging from 1 to 3999 between Roman numerals and decimal numbers. |
Temperature Scale Converter This online calculator allows users to convert temperature values between the seven most widely used temperature scales. These scales are Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, Rankine, Delisle, Réaumur, and Rømer. |
Cyrillic, mailto and URL-encoded symbols This online calculator can generate mailto links with Cyrillic characters. |
Morse Code Converter: Translate and Decode Messages Our Morse Code Converter is a versatile tool designed to convert text to Morse code and vice versa. |
Old Russian money Converts old Russian monetary units into more common rubles and kopecks. Created by user's request. |
Degrees-minutes-seconds to decimal degrees conversion and vice versa. This online calculator converts the value of an angle given in the degrees-minutes-seconds to degrees, expressed in decimal fraction and back from decimal fraction to degrees-minutes-seconds. |
Digital image size in pixels and photo print size This article is about the relation between an image size in pixels and a photographic print size. First, it recommends the photographic print size for given digital image dimensions in pixels. Second, it finds the resulting pixels per inch value for a printed digital image with known linear and pixel dimensions. |
Power to the People Power units converter. |
URL Unescape Calculator The calculator for URL decoding, also known as unescaping, takes a URL-encoded string and converts it back to its original form. |
Relative humidity to absolute humidity and vice versa calculators The first calculator converts relative humidity to absolute humidity for a given temperature and barometric pressure. The second calculator does the opposite - converts absolute humidity to relative humidity for a given temperature and barometric pressure. Some theory and formulas can be found below the calculator. |
Morse-ify and Modify. The calculator transforms text into Morse code and then replaces dots and dashes with user-specified symbols. This can be a fun way to create unique messages that can be shared with friends and family. Users can choose any symbols they want to replace dots and dashes with, making the messages even more personalized. |
Erlang Traffic Calculator The Erlang calculator computes the amount of telecommunications traffic, measured in Erlangs. |
Flag Semaphore Translator The calculator converts english phrase to the flag semaphore signal sequence, which can be used to communicate the phrase visually. |
Time Converter This calculator allows users to enter time in various units such as days, hours, minutes and seconds in any combination and then normalizes the value into days, hours, minutes and seconds. The calculator also displays the entered time in other units such as hours plus minutes plus seconds, minutes plus seconds, and seconds only. |