Kinetic energy in classical and relativistic mechanics

Kinetic energy of a point object in classical Newtonian mechanics and in relativistic mechanics.

Calculation of kinetic energy of a point object of mass m and velocity v in classical mechanics.


PLANETCALC, Kinetic energy of a point object in classical mechanics

Kinetic energy of a point object in classical mechanics

Digits after the decimal point: 4
Energy (J)
Energy (kJ)
Energy (MJ)
Energy (GJ)
Energy (TJ)
Energy (PJ)

Calculation of kinetic energy of a material point of mass m and velocity v in relativistic mechanics.

Here the velocity of the material point cannot exceed the speed of light (299792458 m/sec.)


PLANETCALC, Kinetic energy of a point object in relativistic mechanics

Kinetic energy of a point object in relativistic mechanics

Digits after the decimal point: 4
Energy (J)
Energy (kJ)
Energy (MJ)
Energy (GJ)
Energy (TJ)
Energy (PJ)

At low speeds, the results of both formulas coincide, but the closer to the speed of light, the greater the difference.

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PLANETCALC, Kinetic energy in classical and relativistic mechanics
