Resultados de la búsqueda

Cone development
Calculator of right circular cone / truncated right circular cone development
The Rectangle Area Calculator with Perimeter Condition
The Rectangle Area Calculator with Perimeter Condition is a helpful tool designed for solving math problems that involve calculating the area of a rectangle under specific perimeter conditions.
Cylindrical Tank Volume Calculator
Use this calculator to determine your cylindrical tank volume in cubic inches and gallons even if one or both ends are rounded. Especially useful if you've cut the tank in length. If you've got a flat end just leave it blank or enter 0.
Calculation of the edge cut margin to obtain an octagonal face
This online calculator calculates the indentation of the beginning of the cut along the edge of a square in cross-section bar to obtain a regular octagon at the base (the end is a regular octagon).
Construction Volume Calculator
The Construction Volume Calculator allows you to calculate the total volume of a construction project by specifying the volume of various prisms (or rectangular cuboids) and subtracting any volumes you wish to exclude.
Rectangle Area Calculator
The calculator is a useful tool for calculating the total area of a set of rectangles.
Level of liquid in the cylindrical tank, AKA Quarter-Tank Problem
This online calculator finds the height above the bottom of a horizontal cylinder (such as a cylindrical gas tank) to which the it must be filled for it to be full at specified percentage (for example, one quarter full amounts)
Area of a quadrilateral
This article lists several calculators to compute the area of a quadrilateral
Unfolding a 3D sphere to 2D shapes
If you want to made a DIY sphere, you need to unfold the sphere to 2D shapes, or, more strictly speaking, approximate the sphere using petals, or "orange peels" (also called the lunes) on the plane. The calculator calculates basic parameters of such 2D peel and displays coordinates of points for drawing one peel on a plane.
How many circles of radius r fit in a bigger circle of radius R
This calculator estimates how many circles of radius r can be placed inside another circle of radius R.
The area of a convex polygon from the coordinates of the vertices on the plane
This online calculator calculates the area of a convex polygon from the coordinates of the vertices. A convex polygon is built from the vertices using the Jarvis March Algorithm (or Gift Wrapping Algorithm)
Function Plotter
The calculator plots entered functions on the single coordinate plane.
Volume of the hemisphere cut at an angle
Volume of hemisphere asymmetrically cut by a flat plane under a given angle.
Volume of liquid in a tilted tank with hemispherical heads
Calculates volume of liquid in an inclined cylindrical tank with hemispherical ends.
3d coordinate systems
Transforms 3d coordinate from / to Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical coordinate systems.
Two arguments arctangent
The calculator gives an angle between positive axis x and the ray to the given point from point 0. The result corresponds to atan2 function, implemented in many computer languages and math libraries.
Vector Addition Calculator
This online calculator performs vector addition and displays vectors and vector sum graphically.
Find the intersection of two circles
This online calculator finds the intersection points of two circles given the center point and radius of each circle. It also plots them on the graph.
Is a point in a triangle?
The calculator determines if an arbitrary point lies inside 2D triangle. The triangle is defined by 3 cartesian coordinate pairs.
Equation of a circle calculator
This circle equation calculator displays a standard form equation of a circle, a parametric form equation of a circle, and a general form equation of a circle given the center and radius of the circle. Formulas can be found below the calculator.
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